About US

Who We Are?
Neeleez was built with sophistication and operative ease in mind. We wanted to build a secure platform with blockchain and AI as it's strong foundations so as to not have to worry about privacy and security issues for our platform. This is something even our biggest competitors have not been able to achieve.

What we Do
We strive to make things smoother and more straight forward.
Our Mission
We are a global movement currently in 7 countries, with the drive to climb higher and get better. Our superpower is connecting people to each other being the channel through which they help and solve problems for each other. Responsible sourcing and building a community is our main goal as we move forward.
Our Vision
We are committed to creating a global marketplace where people around the world can come together to share their expertise and services with the ones who require them. Our foundations are rock solid and will surely help us reach these heights. Slowly but surely.
Our Stratergy
Your profession is not always about expanding and increasing the bottom line profits. In fact a lot of our doctors, lawyers, salon and fitness owners argue that it is more about developing a relationship with the people that come to you to better their life in some manner or other.Our strategy is not revenue. It is family.
Worldwide Statistics
Neeleez- We Care is available In UAE, South Africa, Morocco, Tunisia, Russia, Georgia, Azerbaijan & Saudi arab and we are moving forward.
Registered Businesses
Country Available